About Me

Hello! My name is Shu Shu and I love snacks. I love eating them, buying them, sharing them, talking about them – even watching other people eating and talking about snacks! I decided I want to document all my snacking adventures so I started My Mouth is Lonely.

I live in Melbourne/Naarm, Australia with my husband, Liam. My non-snack related loves include dogs, karaoke, making jewellery and watching RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Story behind my blog name

Whenever I visit my parents, I always do a scan of their pantry. My mum is pretty big on snacks too, and often buys some really fun things to eat. When my mum sees me opening her pantry doors, she will ask me in Chinese if I am hungry and I sometimes reply, “My stomach is full but my eyes are not.” I love how there are phrases or words in different languages that capture such a familiar feeling.

I found out that in Japan, they have a word called ‘Kuchisabishii’ and it means ‘Lonely mouth’. Let me tell you, my mouth is always lonely, so I thought this was the perfect name for my blog.

I write more than just snack reviews

I think food plays a bigger role in our lives than we realise, and so while I might write a lot of snack reviews, you’ll sometimes find longer, more reflective reads where I delve into food history, culture and memory. I hope you enjoy reading them.

What is Pork Talk?

I stopped eating pork when I was about 18 because I really liked pigs and I didn’t want to eat them. I started eating pork again at the start of 2021 because I wanted to know what foods I was missing out on. It’s been really fun trying ingredients I haven’t had before like chorizo and prosciutto, and I wanted to document this on my blog.


You can find me on Instagram here.

Woman wearing a pink dress and glasses smiling at the camera.