Snack Chat: Whittaker’s Coconut Block

Whittaker's coconut block chocolate on top of a bagel-print tablecloth.

I live in Melbourne Australia, and as I currently write this, we’re in our 6th lockdown. Rather fortuitously, my husband Liam and I went to the supermarket the day before lockdown. We were both hungry and my blood sugar had dipped so every chip, chocolate, ice cream, nut spread, dip and cheese sounded so delicious. We bought a lot of snacks.

One of the snacks we got was Whittaker’s Coconut Block chocolate. They were on special at Woolies so we grabbed a block. Before we talk about this chocolate, I want to explain that while I enjoy chocolate, I really have to be in the mood for it. It’s rarely my go-to snack if I want something sweet. I prefer cake, biscuits, ice cream or gummy lollies. I also prefer chocolate that has some kind of textural element so I never just have plain chocolate.

Whittaker’s Coconut Block chocolate is, to put simply, so good.

This chocolate is creamy and just the right amount of sweetness. The shredded coconut in the chocolate gives it a wonderful “rough” texture, making it firm but easy to chomp through. The subtle, savoury flavour of the coconut mingles with chocolate and imparts that characteristic toasted coconut aroma, making you want more. I could have very easily eaten the whole block in one sitting. I’m surprised I didn’t!

If you’re looking for a new kind of chocolate to help you through this darn pandemic, grab some of this chocolate, especially if you love coconut. Whittaker’s do a whole range of different flavours like peanut butter, which I’m really looking forward to trying. They also do smaller bars called ‘slabs’. When I was in high school, my mum was going through a Whittaker’s phase where she would stock up on their coconut and peanut slabs and send them to China for my relatives as gifts.

Hope everyone’s doing all right during this pandemic. Feel free to share what snacks you’re enjoying in the comments


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